Minos UUID Generator for Godot Icon

Minos UUID Generator for Godot

A UUID generator for the Godot Engine, with 1.295×10^50 combinations it'll work for any sized game, never having to worry about running out of unique IDs! Automatically stores new UUIDs and removes old ones. Supports GDScript & C#.

Minos UUID Generator for Godot Icon

Bug Report / Feature Request

Please report any bugs found (videos/photos help greatly!) or any features you'd like to see added!Note that the file type must be a zip folder.

Minos UUID Generator for Godot Icon



Copy the minos_uuid_generator directory into your res://addons/ directory. Then make sure to enable the plugin in Project Settings -> Plugins. For C# projects make sure to remember to build!

Usage In Editor

  1. Create new UUIDManager or UUIDManagerCSharp node

  2. That's it! The UUIID is generated automatically and is removed automatically when the node is removed.

Usage At Runtime - GDScript

1. Add a UUIDManager variable in the script you want to store the UUID node in
extends Node
## Variables
var uuidNode : UUIDManager
2. Set the variable by calling the create_new_uuid() script at _ready(). The function takes in the parent to add the node to as a child.
extends Node
## Variables
var uuidNode : UUIDManager
func _ready():
uuidNode = MinosUUIDGenerator.create_new_uuid(self)

Usage At Runtime - C#

1. Add a UUIDManagerCSharp variable in the script you want to store the UUID node in
extends Node
// Variables
public UUIDManagerCSharp uuidNode
2. Set the variable by calling the CreateNewUUID() script at _Ready(). The function takes in the parent to add the node to as a child.
extends Node
// Variables
public UUIDManagerCSharp uuidNode
public override void _Ready():
uuidNode = MinosUUIDGeneratorCSharp.CreateNewUUID(this)

Set-Up Debugging Options

The MinosUUIDGenerator script comes with 4 variables for debugging. By default they're set to true.
static var printNewUUID : bool = true
static var printSuccessfulRemoval : bool = true
static var printFailedRemoval : bool = true
static var printNewUUIDNode : bool = true

static bool printNewUUID = true
static bool printSuccessfulRemoval = true
static bool printFailedRemoval = true
static bool printNewUUIDNode = true

  • printNewUUID will print a message when a new UUID is made and it's UUID.

  • printSuccessfulRemoval will print a message when a UUID is removed as well as the old UUID.

  • printFailedRemoval will print a message when a UUID was attempted to be removed but couldn't be found in the array.

  • printNewUUIDNode will print a message when a new UUIDManager/UUIDManagerCSharp node is made.